Premium OET Writing Corrections


What exactly does our OET writing service provide?

Our team comprising doctors, nurses, pharmacists and ESL tutors reads your letter as an OET examiner would and determines your projected grade based on factors including interpretation and selection of case notes, grammatical accuracy, clarity, language, style, layout and lexical resource. In addition, they give you specific feedback and tips on your errors, be they in the use of prepositions, tenses, passive voice, word choice, sentence structure, or interpretation of the case notes. You will receive your referral letter back with detailed corrections and feedback, enabling you to study and work on exactly the writing problems with which you struggle most.


It’s not just about fixing mistakes in English, however! Our doctors, nurses and OET pharmacy students learn not only what they’re doing wrong, but also how they can improve through our tailer-made tips for different case notes. With our OET writing course, students will learn how to identify the chief complaint of the patient, purpose of writing the letter, structure their referral or discharge letter as a whole to address the case notes and impress the examiner. And when you see your writing sub-test improve with every submitted letter, your confidence as a computer-based OET or paper-based OET candidate will increase tenfold.


What do you get back when you submit a letter?

  • All of your written errors highlighted and corrected
  • Detailed comments and feedback on your writing, with suggestions and tips on how to avoid committing the same mistakes twice.
  • Trainers familiar with the new OET scoring system grade your letter and provide you an estimated OET grade.
  • A detailed explanation of your estimated score.
  • Suggestions on how you can further improve your writing sub-test and minimize your future mistakes in your English.

How can you access these services?

We’ll walk you through the steps!

  1. Choose your correction package based on your needs. We offer plans for those who require a quick turnaround as well as larger packages that give you more for your money. Whether convenience or value is your top priority, weve got you covered!
  2. As soon as you’ve made your payment online, an e-mail with instructions will arrive in your Inbox. It’s important to check Spam folder as well! There will also be a link to download the case notes relevant to your occupation (doctors, nurses, physiotherapist, pharmacists and so on).
  3. Choose as many of the case notes included in your service package as you would like to complete (you have freedom to use your own case notes from other sources), then write the assigned letter(s) as you would on the OET at home test. Once you’re done, attach the letter(s) to a return e-mail according to instructions, and send it back to us for grading.



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